A Writing Tool
If you're considering self-publishing (and even if you're not), the most practical book I've read on marketing is Denis Caron's Catch the Unicorn: Demystifying Book Marketing for Fiction Authors. The book explains author platforms, mailing lists, Amazon keywords, pricing, and other complicated concepts in simple, easy-to-understand language. Geared specifically toward fiction writers, this slim guide provides a wealth of information.
Craft Tip
Format your novel correctly. This is especially important if you are querying. Formatting a novel is not about what you think looks good, it is about readability and industry standards. Here are the basics for Word documents:
Times New Roman, 12-point, black font.
One-inch margins with a 1/2 inch indentation (use tabs, not the space bar)
Start chapters on a new page using page breaks (keyboard: Ctrl+Enter) not the return bar.
Double-space text, left justify
Single space after a period (to fix a document with two spaces after periods, use "find and replace").
Photo Inspiration - There's a Story Here: Trier, Germany 2016
What story would you write about this photo?
Weekly Mindset Video - Writing Forward
Next Step Book Coach - If you're ready to start your novel, are stuck in the middle, or have finished and need to know what to do next - we can help.