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Weekly Words - a quote, a tool, and a tip for writers

"Confidence is 10 percent hard work, and 90 percent delusion.” Tina Fey

A Writing Tool

Make the hard work you put in more efficient. Rachel Aaron's book, 2,000 to 10,000: How to write faster, write better, and write more of what you love, is a great guide to becoming more productive. Her tips will help, even if you have to scrounge small pockets of time for your writing.

Productivity Tip

Keep editing separate from writing. Don't be afraid of the shitty first draft. Let the story flow. Once you've got it on the page, you can fix it.

There's a Story Here: Madrid, Spain, 2016

What story would you write about this photo?

Next Step Book Coach - If you're ready to start your novel, are stuck in the middle, or have finished and need to know what to do next - we can help.


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