Kathy Dodson, Book Coach

Jul 13, 2021

Words - a quote, a tool, and a tip for writers

Updated: Jul 14, 2021

"While querying, I once got a rejection that said they ‘hated the voice but loved the plot.’ In the same day, I got a rejection saying they ‘loved the voice but hated the plot.’ You guys, publishing is so subjective.” Samantha Joyce

How do I beat writer's block?

Are you staring at the page (or the screen) and the words aren't coming? Are you even sitting down to write at all? The most important thing you can do to combat writer's block is to be honest with yourself about why you are unable to write. If you are stuck in the story and don't know where to go next, get help. Just like you may need a coach or a trainer to help you achieve your fitness goals, a book coach can help you with your story and assist with the strategic and emotional sides of writing. Here are a few tried and true ways you can combat writer's block.

Use a planner as your writing tool

One tool I use every day to keep my writing on track is a planner. I personally like to use the July-June planners because I tend to begin new novels in the fall and it gives me a fresh start. There is a lot of other goal setting going on in January, and starting in June separates my writing from the rest of the noise. Seeing my tasks in front of me every day helps me achieve my goals, be they starting new chapters, revising, research, or any of the other activities associated with writing a novel. My planner doesn't replace my online calendar. Instead, it allows me to formulate writing goals, see them, and best of all, cross them off the list when they're done!

Photo Inspiration - Painted Desert, Petrified Forest National Park, Arizona, 2021

What story would you write about this photo?

Next Step Book Coach - If you're ready to start your novel, are stuck in the middle, or have finished and need to know what to do next - we can help.

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