Kathy Dodson, Book Coach

Nov 4, 2020

Weekly Words - a quote, a tool, and a tip for writers

"We were trained as writers with the idea that literature is something that can change reality, that it's not just a very sophisticated entertainment, but a way to act." Mario Vargas Llosa

A Writing Tool

Emotion Thesaurus is an online and book resource that gives writers options for describing emotions and helps move their writing from telling to showing. The Emotion Thesaurus not only defines words used to describe characters' emotions, it also provides synonyms and most importantly, physical signals and behaviors related to the emotion. Some words can be looked up for free on the website, and there is a two-week free trial when you subscribe to a monthly plan. I have no affiliation with Emotion Thesaurus.

Productivity Tip

First 5/Last 5 - Spend five minutes organizing your writing before you start. This will help you write faster - just jot down a few notes on a piece of paper on where the story is going and why. When you're done for the day, spend five minutes organizing what you've done and what will happen next. Just a few minutes before and after your writing sessions will amp up your productivity. 

There's a Story Here: North Shore, Oahu, Hawaii, USA 2016

What story would you write about this photo?

Next Step Book Coach - If you're ready to start your novel, are stuck in the middle, or have finished and need to know what to do next - we can help.