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Weekly Words - a quote, a tool, and a tip for writers

"You don't always have to chop with the sword of truth. You can point with it too.” Anne Lamont

A Writing Tool

When it's time to query, www.querytracker.net is a great resource. You can research literary agencies and agents by things like genres they accept and response times. Once you've done your research, use their online system to build a database of agents to query and track your activity. The premium membership is $25 per year.

Productivity Tip

Whether you just started writing or have a finished manuscript and are ready to query or publish, your book has its own identity. Make sure you can answer the following questions: What kind of book is it? Where would it be shelved in a bookstore or library? What would make people want to read it? Envisioning your book as a product can bring clarity to both writing and marketing.

There's a Story Here: Boston, Massachusetts, 2019

Next Step Book Coach - If you're ready to start your novel, are stuck in the middle or have finished and need to know what to do next - we can help.


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