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Weekly Words - a quote, a tool, and a tip for writers

"I'm a huge believer in revision. The more times you write it the more it becomes alive." Alice Hoffman

A Writing Tool

Pub Crawl is "a group of authors and publishing professionals who blog about all things reading, writing, books, and occasionally booze." The "Writing Craft Resources" page is well-organized by characterization, drafting, word-smithing, and plot & structure and can be a great place to go for advice.

Revising Tip

One of the biggest issues I've seen with book coaching clients, and that I've been guilty of myself, is thinking a book is finished when only an early draft is complete. It is important to get the entire story down on paper, but writing The End isn't even close to the finish line. Next, a writer must go back and make sure the story makes sense and is interesting. Then they must go back again and make every paragraph, every sentence, the best it can be. The real work comes after the story's been written.

There's a Story Here: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 1990

What story would you write about this photo?

Next Step Book Coach - If you're ready to start your novel, are stuck in the middle, or have finished and need to know what to do next - we can help.


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